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BAT information system
[is] væntanlegt
[en] BATIS should serve as a forum for discussion and exchange of information in support of the next review process.

[en] EIPPCB BAT information system The Institute for Prospective Technological Studies plans to develop a European information system, comprised of software to facilitate the creation of complex internal documents, utilising networks of experts. The system should help the IPTS organise and manage the creation of reference documents on best available techniques.

It has to support all of the stages in the production cycle of the documents (creation, editing, management and distribution). IPTS has already commissioned and completed a user-requirement survey of the first-phase of the system''s development (CORDIS)

[is] Framkvæmdarákvörðun framkvæmdastjórnarinnar 2012/119/ESB frá 10. febrúar 2012 um setningu reglna sem varða leiðbeiningar um söfnun upplýsinga og gerð tilvísunarskjala um bestu, fáanlegu tækni og um gæðatryggingu

[en] Commission Implementing Decision 2012/119/EU of 10 February 2012 laying down rules concerning guidance on the collection of data and on the drawing up of BAT reference documents and on their quality assurance referred to in Directive 2010/75/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on industrial emissions

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